Saturday, July 30, 2011
Happy birthday to the most awesome kid ever Freddie Ingles! Have a great day and celebrate it as much as you can here in the US! (I think his birhday was here last year, too!) So any way have a great day!
Friday, July 29, 2011
St. Paul Concert!
Hey guys! Before the lovely St. Paul concert tonight I thought I would give you what is going on tonight. So the concert is going to take place at the beautiful Cathedral of St. Paul. Here are some pictures to show you it's beauty.
:O This place is a jaw dropper! In my opinion it's better than Minneapolis. Look how beautiful. Anyway, there are still tickets available for this lovely concert featuring at least 26 (hopefully 28) of our lovely Libera boys. Here is the link to get your tickets today! Trust me you won't regret it. I mean like, look at the pictures of where they are singing.. and then click my music player to play the first song, and then click it again so the Jubilate is playing. Imagine that. Now, I know, you want to go. So buy your tickets! It's amazing. Th exact address is
So I'm really excited for this one! Hopefully Liam and Sammy perform tonight because that is so sad that they weren't there last time. It's an extremely gorgeous cathedral, beautiful singing and lovely lighting effects. Plus you can connect with fellow Libera fans. Like who wouldn't want to go to a concert? So go. Buy your tickets. Have a grand ol' time, even though, the concert is tonight... But have fun!
Hope to see you in the next post!
:O This place is a jaw dropper! In my opinion it's better than Minneapolis. Look how beautiful. Anyway, there are still tickets available for this lovely concert featuring at least 26 (hopefully 28) of our lovely Libera boys. Here is the link to get your tickets today! Trust me you won't regret it. I mean like, look at the pictures of where they are singing.. and then click my music player to play the first song, and then click it again so the Jubilate is playing. Imagine that. Now, I know, you want to go. So buy your tickets! It's amazing. Th exact address is
So I'm really excited for this one! Hopefully Liam and Sammy perform tonight because that is so sad that they weren't there last time. It's an extremely gorgeous cathedral, beautiful singing and lovely lighting effects. Plus you can connect with fellow Libera fans. Like who wouldn't want to go to a concert? So go. Buy your tickets. Have a grand ol' time, even though, the concert is tonight... But have fun!
Hope to see you in the next post!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Christmas Album Free Download
JOY TO THE WORLD!!! YES. I downloaded it today! Here is the link to go to get your new song. It's beautiful! And two new pictures for you guys as well.
How adorable is that?!?!?!??! The stupid words though :( Cassius, Matthew RA and either Barney or Eoghan.This picture is beeauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful. It gives the chills. It looks so angelic. Stefan, Matthew RA, Cassius, Barney and Ralph. NIIICCEEE.
Hope to see you in the next post!
Libera on Fox 9 News!
It was weird saying Fox 9 because where I live, it's Fox 5. lol. But anyway, of course the most awesome, coolest person in the world JimmyRiddle from the Libera Dreams forum posted this video of an short interview with the Libera boys on the Fox 9 News Channel. LOL Josh is sooo awesome! His voice is soo deep. I'm trying to picture that in Eternal Light. Cassius... is Cassius. You have to love him. "Everything is my inspiration". He's so awesome. I wish I knew him. Just look at his face when he says it. He's like.. in a daze! He's sooo awesome. Gotta love Cassius. Ralph is awesome too. He says everything with such passion. It's like he's singing, but he's talking O.o . Kavana is so well spoken. He's going to be like the future spokesperson for Libera. Good interview! I hope that brings people to go to their concert tomorrow night!
Concert #1 review!!
(Don't mind the colors in this post. Blogger has like a glitch or something . The colors are slightly random.) Hey guys! WOOWWW! Okay, so I woke up at 8:23 EST and I immediately went on my iPod to look at reviews... Boy was it a treat!! I'm so excited! Okay obviously, I was not there, so I can't write my own so I am going to have a mixture from the two most awesome people I know: Lexi from the Mini Angels Blog (this is her blog) and fan_de_LoK from the Libera Dreams forum. He posted his on the french forum. Okay okay okay. So I'm going to start off with the picture of all the boys, old and new. (you can click on it to make it MUCH bigger)
The new boys look all so adorable. I think that Isaac London looks a little, tiny bit like a younger version of James Mordaunt. Ya know what's weird? That's EXACTLY how I pictured Orlando to look. I don't know. I think sometimes I have psychic powers. Anyway ON WITH THE REVIEW!
(i honestly have no clue why Jubilate is in white background, and also why the entire review is in black, and also why this is in some grey-ish color. It won't change colors. Soooo annoying. It won't go away!)
1. JUBILATE- Jubliate started with Ralph, Alex, Jakob, Barney and Carlos. Later on they were joined by the others. Everyone came from behind the tabernacle. This song chained into... take a wild guess...
2. LIBERA- Solos were done by Luke and the oh-so-lovely Eoghan! Ralph did the "Liberaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" at the end. The boys stood in a large arc with Josh in the middle I would presume.
SPEECH- It was a Barney and Cassius speech! Their speech was about how there are 26 boys in the group, old and new. Everyone waved. Barney mentioned that he started singing in the choir when he was 9 and that the youngest on this tour is 8. If I had to take a guess at who that was, it would be either Isaac London or Ben Fairman. (watch me be totally off.)
3. SONG OF LIFE- Ralph, of course sang beautiful solo. Daniel and Kavana were there, too! Fan_de_LoK mentioned that they used the colors pink/ mauve which reflected nicely off the white stone above the tabernacle. Sounds lovely!
4. SANCTISSIMA- Ralph did the solo again. Apparently this kid is the "it" kid now! The boys stood in two rows. The first row knelt down and then the second row right after. Mentioned is that for some of the songs the newbies would leave the stage and wait on the side with a chaperon. That's cute.
5. SANCTUS- Jakob sang the high parts in the back. Apparently that kid can sing! Luke sang the "Santus" at the end. Niiiiiiice!
SPEECH- Kavana and Cassius gave the second speech. It about the moose mascot. I love that mascot personally. lol. Apparently the moose has been on every single tour since Libera began. And the thing has its own passport and it has a seat on the coach. I don't know what you're thinking, but that moose has it pretty darn good.
6. ALWAYS WITH YOU- Freddie, as always, sang the solo. Lexi said it was the strongest she's ever heard him! Makes me wanna be there :( Anyway, Jakob sang the high parts. On stage there were two triangles that got bigger and bigger framing Freddie. Jakob was isolated on a pedestal. I'm not a huge fan of this song when I listen to it on my iPod, but I really want to hear it live!
7. ETERNAL LIGHT- (favorite song ever.) This is what Lexi said. So apparently Ralph and Daniel came out to appear to be singing this song. But then hold the phone, Josh was in the middle and he started singing "Thought of love surround you..." LOL. I wasn't even there and that's like... giving me chills or something I can't explain it. LOL. Ralph joined in on the second verse. But back to Josh, apparently he was enjoying every second of it, you can completely tell by the look on his face. That must have been so nice. I mean, the dude is 16 years old, turning 17 in October and he is singing his solos still. Like what a nice surprise for Josh fans! So awesome. I'm trying to picture it and octave lower. Lol. It sounds pretty cool though!
8. SALVA ME- Matthew RA song the high parts in the back. Apparently he did very well!
SPEECH- So Barney had this speech. I swear this kid seems like he is hilarious. He introduced all the musicians and he introduced Lamentione, which they sing in "our own special ‘Libera way.’" When he said "Libera way" he put it in airquotes, with his fingers! LOL this kid is great.
9. LAMENTIONE- Daniel, Jakob, Carlos, Ralph, Matthew J., Matthew R-A, Dylan, Eoghan, Barney and Freddie sang facing Mr. Prizeman with all the others standing behind them with their hoods up. Apparently (I am realizing that I saw that a lot.) the song was stunning, and soft and intense at the same time.
10. EXULTATE- Appar... Apparently (shoot. I'm going to try to stop saying that.) the song was changed up a bit. Freddie, Eoghan, Ralph and possibly Luke sang the song in unison. They were in an arc formation that gradually got bigger. Except for the center which stayed in place with a combination of big and small people. I want to see how tall Josh really is, because in this one picture on Lexi's blog, he looks like he is at least 5'11", 6'.
And finally we reach intermission. How sad, half the concert is already over. (This is taking me forever to type.)
11. TE LUCIS- (I'm going to start saying According to... instead of Apparently (it makes me cringe just by typing that.)) According to Lexi this song is a must "hear" in person. It starts with the low voices, awesome. I have this thing when I hear a low voice in a song, I get really excited. I don't know.. lol. They stood behind the altar. When they finally came out it was Ben, Sam, Josh, Alex and Tiarnan. (I have to..) Apparently, they harmonize beautfully. This chained into the ever so lovely Mysterium.
12. MYSTERIUM- Normally, it's Ralph and Stefan. I like to call them the Super-duper duo. lol. But with the absence of Stefan, Luke took over. Woohooo! The colors sounded nice, like blue, red, purple. Nice. This song actually went straight into the playful Gloria!
13. GLORIA- The trio of the songs were beautiful according to Lexi! Apparently at the end they turned like a little quarter turn to the audience and apparently that was striking to see according to fan_de_LoK! Sooo cool!
SPEECH- Cassius and Freddie gave a speech about their robes. They talked about how their hoods are huge and that they practice blindfolded. When Freddie said this he yanked Cassius's hood forward over his face. HAHA that would make me giggle.
14. THE FOUNTAIN- Ralph's solo was really pretty, apparently. Always is, always will be.
15. WHEN A KNIGHT WON HIS SPURS- Ralph had another solo in this song. The boys were grouped in groups of 3 and 4. I want to hear what people mean by it was "rearranged". I love this song the original way, so I wonder what it sounds like the new way!
16. STAY WITH ME- The awesome Daniel sang this. It's amazing how his voice is still high... as said by many.. because he is 15 turning 16 this year, so it's crazy! He's lucky. Matthew RA did the high parts, which were great. The lighting was yellow/ gold and the thing with the hands, that I... memorized from the 2007 video. They go back on the Angeli on the "aaahs", and back foward on the "you see me through" on "through". LOL okay I'm a little weird.
SPEECH- Sam speech!!! He did the famous "voice-changing" speech. Apparently, he fist-bumped, knuckle-touched whatever you wanna call it Jakob before saying his speech. Awwwww, cousins!
17. AVE VERUM- Carlos had the English solo and Jakob echoed him. Matthew RA did the high parts. I have come to really like this song. I don't know why. I memorized the words in 15 minutes.. lol. I obviously have a life.
18. LOVE AND MERCY- This song makes me want to go to everyone I see on the street and give them a giant bear hug. Since... *sniff sniff* James wasn't on tour, who would do the solo? Cassius!! Instead of Cassius starting off the song by himself, him and Freddie did a duet. But Cassius did end up doing the "Mercy and Love" at the end by himself. I love that part, and it seems so innocent and pure.
19. GLORY TO THEE- In this song, I always try to figure out how many sections are in the Canon, I counted 8. Hehehehee. Eoghan sang the solo in the beginning!!! According to Lexi, he has a very strong voice! A strong, beautiful, perfect voice!
SPEECH- Jude and the new Ben. Ben Fairman. He just looks like he is tiny in the picture he's in. They talked about being new. Jude started it off with "Hello, I’m Jude, and I’m new," and then after he said that Ben Fairman goes, "But I’m newer!". So cute! He went on about having only 2 months to learn the songs. That's a very short amount of time. This is a song list of like.. 20. And they have to memorize choreography and words and notes and speeches. And like, geez.. it takes me a while to memorize dances at dance. Like .. 6 months. Props to him.
20. HOW SHALL I SING THAT MAJESTY?- YES. This song is awesome. Okay so like, Stefan is famous for this song.. (in my eyes). But because he was not there, Eoghan, Jakob, Ben and Jude sang the solo parts. But I think that Jakob and Eoghan sang like.. legit the actual part. That's soooo nice! I really wanna hear this one live, out of all the songs in this concert, I want to hear this song.
21. ENCORE- EXULTATE- That's nice. Real nice! I really like that song. Like a lot. It's so much fun and stuff. Yeah I like it. Okay AWESOME CONCERT.
I would post some pictures but I cannot because they are Lexi's. I'm not going to take them so I'll give you the link to her post. (her post!)
Okay there you go. Please visit or look at fan_de_LoK's post if you did not get the full effect here. Thanks so much! And I'll see you again later on! (This took me 3 hours.. lol)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Song and Boys List!
WOAH! So much I now know. This is awesome! Okay, so I'll start off with the list of boys that were there. By the way, there were 28...
Boys that were there already:
Henry Barrington
Tiarnan Branson
Jude Collins
Luke Collins
Liam Connery
Kavana Crossley
Jakob DeMenezes- Wood
Dylan Duffy
Daniel Fontannaz
Freddie Ingles
Matthew Jansen
Alex Leggett
Sam Leggett (yayy!)
Barney Lindsell
JOSH MADINE ... like wait what?!!?!??!
Eoghan McCarthy
Sammy Moriarty
Cassius O'Connell- White
Ben Philipp
Matthew Rangel- Alvares
Carlos Rodriguez Villegas
Ralph Skan
AWESOME! Josh and Sam are back; that's always awesome. Anywhoooooooo, Stefan isn't there. Not a surprise because he has to save his voice for his opera performance. Jonathan isn't there either but then again he is 16, sooo yeah. But wait, hold the phone, shut the front door, James Mordaunt?!!?!??!!? He's not here :( That makes me soooo incredibly sad. And also just to clear the air, Liam and Sammy ARE listed in the program and there ARE 28 boys in the choir this tour, BUT they did not sing tonight. So 26 boys SANG, 28 boys are THERE. I'm not sure why. Probably had a frog, or a cat or a horse or a blue whale in their throat. Anyway, like I said there are 28 boys on tour right now. In that list there are 22 boys. So that means... 6 new boys!!! YES.
New boys!!:
Thomas Delgado- Little
Ben Fairman
Isaac London
Matthew Madine (the full Madine/DeMenezes-Wood/Leggett clan is back!!!)
Michael Ustynovych-Repa (I'm not even going to try to pronounce that.)
Orlando Woscholski (This one is better :D)
So there you go, the awesome list of 28 Libera boys. Duuuuuuude! This is awesome. I can't even like... handle it. (This is when you can tell I am 14. lol) Okay. OTHER GOOD NEWS!
- Jubilate
- Libera
- Song of life
- Sanctissima
- Sanctus
- Always with you
- Eternal Light
- Salva Me
- Lamentations
- Exultate
- Te Lucis
- Mysterium
- Gloria
- Fountain
- When a Knight
- Stay with me
- Ave Verum
- Love and Mercy
- Glory to Thee
- How Shall I Sing
I didn't expect much different to be honest. Two new songs though, Te Lucis. Never, ever heard of it. lol. I shall look it up.
Well that's nice! Oh wait, is that Vespera? I don't know I just saw someone on Libera Dreams say it and then it's also on youtube. So yeah I think so. And it's always good to hear Glory to Thee again! Bravo! OTHER GOOD NEWS! Since the lovely Stefan Leadbeater is not on the USA tour this year, WHO WILL SING ETERNAL LIGHT?!!! Oh geeeeeez! No need to worry, Ralph Skan is here to save the day!! But wait, Ralph didn't sing it! Then who did?! Was it Freddie Ingles? Daniel Fontannaz? Jakob? Carlos? NOOOOO?! IT WAS.... (drum roll) ... Josh Madine? JOSH MADINE?! SOLO? ETERNAL LIGHT? WHAT??!!! This is crazy. This is buffoonery! (inside joke... sorry it was mandatory) Anyway, I'll be back in the morning with a full review. Hope to see you then!
(This is awesome.)
Boys that were there already:
Henry Barrington
Tiarnan Branson
Jude Collins
Luke Collins
Liam Connery
Kavana Crossley
Jakob DeMenezes- Wood
Dylan Duffy
Daniel Fontannaz
Freddie Ingles
Matthew Jansen
Alex Leggett
Sam Leggett (yayy!)
Barney Lindsell
JOSH MADINE ... like wait what?!!?!??!
Eoghan McCarthy
Sammy Moriarty
Cassius O'Connell- White
Ben Philipp
Matthew Rangel- Alvares
Carlos Rodriguez Villegas
Ralph Skan
AWESOME! Josh and Sam are back; that's always awesome. Anywhoooooooo, Stefan isn't there. Not a surprise because he has to save his voice for his opera performance. Jonathan isn't there either but then again he is 16, sooo yeah. But wait, hold the phone, shut the front door, James Mordaunt?!!?!??!!? He's not here :( That makes me soooo incredibly sad. And also just to clear the air, Liam and Sammy ARE listed in the program and there ARE 28 boys in the choir this tour, BUT they did not sing tonight. So 26 boys SANG, 28 boys are THERE. I'm not sure why. Probably had a frog, or a cat or a horse or a blue whale in their throat. Anyway, like I said there are 28 boys on tour right now. In that list there are 22 boys. So that means... 6 new boys!!! YES.
New boys!!:
Thomas Delgado- Little
Ben Fairman
Isaac London
Matthew Madine (the full Madine/DeMenezes-Wood/Leggett clan is back!!!)
Michael Ustynovych-Repa (I'm not even going to try to pronounce that.)
Orlando Woscholski (This one is better :D)
So there you go, the awesome list of 28 Libera boys. Duuuuuuude! This is awesome. I can't even like... handle it. (This is when you can tell I am 14. lol) Okay. OTHER GOOD NEWS!
- Jubilate
- Libera
- Song of life
- Sanctissima
- Sanctus
- Always with you
- Eternal Light
- Salva Me
- Lamentations
- Exultate
- Te Lucis
- Mysterium
- Gloria
- Fountain
- When a Knight
- Stay with me
- Ave Verum
- Love and Mercy
- Glory to Thee
- How Shall I Sing
I didn't expect much different to be honest. Two new songs though, Te Lucis. Never, ever heard of it. lol. I shall look it up.
Well that's nice! Oh wait, is that Vespera? I don't know I just saw someone on Libera Dreams say it and then it's also on youtube. So yeah I think so. And it's always good to hear Glory to Thee again! Bravo! OTHER GOOD NEWS! Since the lovely Stefan Leadbeater is not on the USA tour this year, WHO WILL SING ETERNAL LIGHT?!!! Oh geeeeeez! No need to worry, Ralph Skan is here to save the day!! But wait, Ralph didn't sing it! Then who did?! Was it Freddie Ingles? Daniel Fontannaz? Jakob? Carlos? NOOOOO?! IT WAS.... (drum roll) ... Josh Madine? JOSH MADINE?! SOLO? ETERNAL LIGHT? WHAT??!!! This is crazy. This is buffoonery! (inside joke... sorry it was mandatory) Anyway, I'll be back in the morning with a full review. Hope to see you then!
(This is awesome.)
Thanks to fan_de_LoK on the Libera Dreams forum, we now have two pictures of the stage our favorite choir will be singing on tonight! He got them from the French forum Libera Passion, so let's take a look!
(you can click on the pictures to make them much larger)
Well doesn't that look nice :O The stage looks beautfiul! That is going to be a lovely platform for the boys to sing on! Very, very exciting! It feels like you're there. Awesome. I'm happy that I saw that now. Goodbye until the next post!
(you can click on the pictures to make them much larger)
Well doesn't that look nice :O The stage looks beautfiul! That is going to be a lovely platform for the boys to sing on! Very, very exciting! It feels like you're there. Awesome. I'm happy that I saw that now. Goodbye until the next post!
Minneapolis Concert
Hi guys! My name is Emma. My first post in this blog is going to be about the Minneapolis concert which just so happens to be today! Libera is performing at the Basilica of St. Mary. If you want to know how lucky Libera is to go there, I'll show you some pictures.
Looks pretty good so far.
Yeah it looks kinda nice, I don't know though.
Yeah, okay it's getting decent.
Okay, yeah it's a little nice.
Yeah, it's good. They have my approval for it. (:
So as you can see, it's a pretty nice place. I'm sure it's going to be a beautiful concert. Am I going? lol nope. I wish I can go! But I probably never will. I try though I try. Anyway, if you are interested in going to this lovely concert tonight which features anywhere from 26-29 of these lovely singers go to the new and improved Libera website at and scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says events and click on "see all 6 new events" and the scroll down to the middle of that page to "Recent Events" and click "Ticketweb" next to where it says "Basilica of St. Mary" underneath where it says Minneapolis, US. Sorry if that is confusing lol. Now, there is also a Basilica of St. Mary in Norfolk, Virginia. Don't go there, Libera will not be there. Instead, go here!You'll be much more satisfied. Even though I am not going, I am super-duper excited for it! I'm not a big commenter on Libera Dreams, but I like to read it. (by the way on Libera Dreams I am danncer96) So I will be reading it all day up until I have to go to dance at 8 EST. Obviously, I can't steal other people's reviews that other people give to other people. I will just write what I know, but I won't and can't take the entire thing, so yeah. So this first blog was fun! I wish Libera the best of luck tonight, even though they are pretty much perfection anyway. Goodbye fellow Libera fans. Hope to see you in the next post!
(if you are wondering how I did my picture up there.. picnik. It's awesome.)
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