Friday, November 25, 2011

Members of Libera at the London Concert!!

ALRIGHT. Hopefully there will be some new pictures of these kids, maybe. I hope. I apologize for the blandness of this post, but here are the members! There are FIVE NEWBIES!! Oh and Jakob DeMenezes- Wood returned!! But Freddie and James did not :(

Henry Barrington
Jonathan Barrington
Ciaran Bradbury- Hickey
Tiarnan Branson
Jude Collins
Luke Collins
Liam Connery
Kavana Crossley
Tom Delgado- Little
Jakob De Menezes- Wood (his voice was sadly transformed to the lower register.. oh well! excited to hear it!!!)
Dylan Duffy
Ben Fairman
Daniel Fontannaz
Matthew Jansen
Stefan Leadbeater
Alex Leggett
Misha Lieven
Barney Lindsell
Isaac London
Josh Madine
Matt Madine
Eoghan McCarthy
Oscar McFall
Michael Menezes
Sammy Moriarty
Jakub Neidermaier- Reed
Cassius O'Connell- White
Ben Philipp
Matthew Rangal- Alvares
Carlos Rodriguez
Ralph Skan
Bertie Smart
Michael Ustynovych- Repa
Lucas Wood

Woohooooo! All 34 boys!! Obviously the ones in the rainbow are the newbies. But, note the names listed in the program were in their full form, not their nicknames. I just put them as we know them. The ones that were changed were:
Benjamin Fairman
Alexander Leggett
Barnaby Lindsell
Joshua Madine
Matthew Madine
Samuel Moriarty
Kuba Neidermaier- Reed
Benedict Philipp

Just to let you know. Oh and it is very possible that Jakob DeMenezes- Wood and Lucas Wood are like brothers or half- brothers or something. And people say that Michael Menezes and Jakob are too, but Jakob has a "De" in front of Menezes, Michael does not. Maybe Bertie Smart has some relation to Alfie!! How great would that be!!

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