Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Minneapolis Concert

Hi guys! My name is Emma. My first post in this blog is going to be about the Minneapolis concert which just so happens to be today! Libera is performing at the Basilica of St. Mary. If you want to know how lucky Libera is to go there, I'll show you some pictures. 

 Looks pretty good so far.
 Yeah it looks kinda nice, I don't know though.
 Yeah, okay it's getting decent.
 Okay, yeah it's a little nice.
Yeah, it's good. They have my approval for it. (:
So as you can see, it's a pretty nice place. I'm sure it's going to be a beautiful concert. Am I going? lol nope. I wish I can go! But I probably never will. I try though I try. Anyway, if you are interested in going to this lovely concert tonight which features anywhere from 26-29 of these lovely singers go to the new and improved Libera website at and scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says events and click on "see all 6 new events" and the scroll down to the middle of that page to "Recent Events" and click "Ticketweb" next to where it says "Basilica of St. Mary" underneath where it says Minneapolis, US. Sorry if that is confusing lol. Now, there is also a Basilica of St. Mary in Norfolk, Virginia. Don't go there, Libera will not be there. Instead, go here!
You'll be much more satisfied. Even though I am not going, I am super-duper excited for it! I'm not a big commenter on Libera Dreams, but I like to read it. (by the way on Libera Dreams I am danncer96) So I will be reading it all day up until I have to go to dance at 8 EST. Obviously, I can't steal other people's reviews that other people give to other people. I will just write what I know, but I won't and can't take the entire thing, so yeah. So this first blog was fun! I wish Libera the best of luck tonight, even though they are pretty much perfection anyway. Goodbye fellow Libera fans. Hope to see you in the next post!

(if you are wondering how I did my picture up there.. picnik. It's awesome.)

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